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How to segment your recipient base to get the most out of email and SMS communication? What solutions should you implement? You probably often ask this of Google or GPT-3/3.5/4, right? We also have an answer for you – one that will give you measurable results! In your activities, apply campaigns based on Channel Scoring results.
With this, you’ll learn which users are most interested in purchasing your products or services during a particular period. By knowing the degree of engagement of a potential customer in email or SMS communication, you can direct even more tailored marketing messages to them and guide them appropriately through the sales funnel. Read on to learn exactly what Email and SMS Channel Scoring is and the benefits of its application.
Channel Scoring e-mail and SMS – what is it?
Channel Scoring e-mail and SMS determines the nominal value of a user over time. It is designed to evaluate the activity of the e-mail and SMS base and its evolution in these communication channels. It also helps to isolate those users who have the highest value for your business over a certain period of time. Channel Scoring at the same time allows you to verify for which audiences this activity has decreased. It is designed to help increase the engagement of medium and less active users.
In SARE, we calculate Email and SMS Channel Scoring every day for each user. 14 days is the minimum time range for optimal scoring calculation. Such a number of days already provides a preliminary picture of a given user’s engagement in the sent communication. – Justyna Pamuła, project manager at SARE.
Benefits – what will you gain from Channel Scoring?
You’ll recognize the engagement level of users from your database in the emails or SMS sent over a specific time period. As a result, you can plan more effective ongoing communication and optimize a marketing strategy that aligns with seasonality.
What is seasonality? It refers to peak sales moments for specific services/products, crucial dates for business when there’s a clear increase in audience engagement, such as paydays, sale periods, and sales opportunities like Black Friday, but also conferences, trainings, important dates (settlements), etc.
- You’ll recreate consumer behavior patterns, helping you understand a client’s needs more accurately.
- You have the opportunity to segment users according to their engagement within the purchase process. This action will help you determine a user’s readiness to accept an offer.
- You’ll build a more lasting relationship with the client.
- You can estimate the likelihood of a client withdrawing from the purchase process or permanently severing contact with the brand. This way, you minimize the churn effect, meaning the termination of a relationship by a client (or “customer lifecycle”).
- You can predict how long it will be until a consumer makes another purchase or shows another interest in your brand. Then, you can adjust communication according to the client’s needs.
- You’ll send relevant communication since, thanks to scoring, the number of sent emails is optimized, making communication more effective.
You’ll increase your chances of making a sale.
Channel Scoring Configuration for Email and SMS
Before you start the scoring calculation, a few parameters need to be set (the configuration process takes about 10 minutes).
Step 1 – Define the communication channels used by the client. These are email and SMS channels – you can choose both for scoring, but we recommend doing so only when your email database matches your GSM database.
Step 2 – Choose the communication types suggested by SARE specialists, in line with the communication you have with the analyzed group of recipients (e.g., if you want to investigate a group you send educational communication to, choose the educational type; however, if you want to analyze a database to which you direct offers, choose sales and advertising communication).
Step 3 – Select from your database a group of users for the scoring analysis that corresponds to the chosen communication type and channel (you can select multiple groups).
Step 4 – Choose the time range for analysis – the minimum range is the last 14 days (if you send emails/SMS once a week, then the analysis period should be longer – at least 30 days).
Email Scoring Calculation
Channel Scoring is carried out on the recipient groups you select. After setting all the parameters in the configurator, the scoring calculation begins, running in the background of the system – this means you can freely perform other activities in the SARE system. The scoring calculation time depends on the size of the analyzed database and the chosen time range. The Channel Scoring result will be available the day after the configuration is prepared.
Channel Scoring Mechanism for Email and SMS
Each contact is assigned an individual scoring result for a specified characteristic that they received for their activity. In the email scoring calculation, we take into account the following parameters:
- email opening (OR indicator),
- time of email opening – the time elapsed from the email delivery to its opening (the faster your recipients open the message, the more points they get),
clicking on an email link (CTR indicator), - deliverability (bounce analysis).
Important: Each scoring result should be analyzed individually and adapted to the business and marketing strategy of a particular brand. If during the last 14 days a significant part of the users poorly responded to the sent communication, it does not mean that it’s a permanent situation and users won’t interact with the brand again.
In scoring, a user rating scale of 20 points has been adopted – users are rated on a scale from 1 to 100. The higher a user is in the “ranking”, the more valuable the customer is within that time frame.
Channel Scoring for Email and SMS – How to Implement This Solution in Your Communication?
Scoring in marketing is a starting point for effective communication and building lasting relationships with clients. If you want to evaluate the activity of your recipient database and move to a higher level of personalization in your communication, then contact us. Our specialists will talk to you about implementing Channel Scoring in email and SMS communication!
Write to us: kontakt@sare.pl