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SMS link shortener

Preparation of SMS dispatch with a shortened link

Let’s prepare a message with a shortened link in the same way as a traditional SMS message, entering a link to any website in the SMS content. Thanks to the link shortening function, any URL starting with “http://” or “https://” detected in the SMS message is automatically “shortened” and encoded. This reduces the number of characters in the SMS (especially with long URLs) and monitors link clicks. Reports from SMS dispatches containing shortened links generated by SARE include information on which recipients clicked on the links.

Personalization with a shortened link

SMS sent from SARE can contain personalized elements – feature values assigned to a specific address in the database. In order to realize an SMS dispatch with a personalized link for each user, you must first prepare a group in the SARE system, in which one of the features of the basic or extended structure assigned to the phone number will be the dedicated part of the link. Then in the content of the SMS we put the initial part of the link, which will be the same for all users. Here is a sample SMS content using name personalization, typed in the content editor:

  • “Hello %imie%! We invite you to visit our website: [początkowa część linka]&p=%wartosc_cechy%…”

This way, each recipient will receive a personalized SMS containing a unique shortened link.

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