Explore the SARE System with SAREscript
Both novice and experienced users can easily view and manage the various functionalities available in the SARE System. Our intuitive tool – SAREscript – provides a thorough overview of all scripts, filters and registers, while offering a number of options for editing them.
Review and manage simple filters
The first segment of the interface is devoted to simple filters. Each filter is easily accessible – it can be viewed by hovering over the preview button and, if necessary, also deleted by clicking delete. To prevent accidental deletion, it is necessary to confirm the decision in the newly opened window by clicking ok. In addition, it is possible to create new simple filters, which is as simple as clicking the add new filter button.
Advanced filter management
The next block is about advanced filtering. These filters can also be previewed and removed, exactly like simple filters. Moreover, our system allows you to edit advanced filters. Click on edit and the selected filter will open in the editor. Here you have full freedom – you can modify, test, debug the code and save it under the same name or as a new filter. From SAREscript → browse, you can also add a new advanced filter by clicking add new advanced filter.
Script administration
The SARE system gives you full control over your scripts, which you can preview, edit, delete, and run using SAREscript → run. Clicking run will open the script in the editor and the script will execute by default. You can add a new script by clicking add new script.
Creating interfaces for scripts
In addition, our system gives you the ability to define an interface for each script, so you can run it remotely. You can specify the type of action that the script refers to, and then give it a name. When you click ok, the interface is saved. If the interface is defined, you can call it by typing its address in the browser. This feature is extremely useful for advanced operations such as integrations with external systems.
Registry management
The final section in SAREscript → view deals with registry management. Registers are universal variables that can be used throughout the system, making it possible to use previously saved data in emails or database management. Each register can be viewed, edited or deleted. In addition, a download function is available for BIG type registers. You can add a new register at any time by clicking add new register or add new BIG type register.
The SARE system with SAREscript allows you to efficiently and flexibly manage all aspects of your scripts, filters and registries. Through all these features, we provide you with the tools to customize the system to your needs, giving you full control over your data.