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Create EAN13 barcode using SAREscript

Creating EAN13 barcodes with the SAREscript tool is a simple task that will enable you to add dynamic content to your emails. By doing so, you can reach your audience more effectively and increase the effectiveness of your campaigns. The main requirement is to have an imported database of email addresses and unique 13-digit codes.

Step 1: Add the EAN13 code to the body of the email

Suppose we want to add the EAN13 code to the body of an email. The first step is to open the message we want to edit. To do this, click on the second icon on the right in the toolbar, located in the third row. A selection window will appear, where you should select ‘EAN13 barcode’.

Step 2: Select the feature to be swapped

In the newly opened window, expand the available list and select the trait in which the imported values are stored. After confirming the selection by clicking ‘OK’, the script will be automatically inserted. Click ‘Insert’ to place the script in the selected place of the message. You will see an anchor icon under which the corresponding script is placed. Remember, if your message contains EAN 13 barcodes, the mailing should be sent with graphics attached to the message.

Adding EAN13 code using Drag&Drop editor

You can also add EAN13 codes using the Drag&Drop editor. The process is similar to the one described earlier. Open the message for editing and on the toolbar click on the ‘SAREscript’ icon. In the window that opens, select ‘EAN13 barcode’. A window will then appear where you select the feature to swap. After selecting the right feature, click ‘INSERT’. In the selected place in the message preparation, an icon will be inserted, under which the appropriate script is placed. Remember also here that if the message contains EAN 13 barcodes, the mailing should be sent with graphics attached to the email.

The above instructions will help you efficiently integrate EAN13 barcodes into your emails. Using barcodes in your email content is not only technically efficient, but also gives your recipients added value by increasing their engagement. Remember to always follow proper HTML formatting and structure when editing your messages.

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