Creating unique and personalized birthday emails has never been easier with our SAREscript tool. Birthday email scripts offer the ability to send a message directly on a subscriber’s birthday. Such a gesture can instill a sense of importance and engagement in your customers. All you need is to have your subscribers’ birthdays stored in your database.
Step 1: Begin shipping planning
When scheduling a mailing, the first step is to select a mailing type, i.e. recurring mailing. This type of mailing guarantees that your messages will reach your recipients at the right time → on their birthdays.
Step 2: We use SAREscript
In the third sending step, we focus on using SAREscript. We click add new filter, which will allow us to select the right function. From the list of features, we choose birthday email.
Step 3: We define the characteristics of the subscriber
In the next window, we expand the available list and select the trait that includes the subscriber’s date of birth. Thanks to this, our script will know when exactly to send the message. In the format tab, we specify the format of the saved date.
Step 4: We validate and test the script
After entering all the data, click OK. The script will be automatically inserted in the frame. Then, to validate it, we click insert. But this is not the end of our work. In order to check the correctness of the operation, click the test script button. Remember that beforehand you should select the group for which the dispatch will be performed. This is an important step that ensures that your message will reach the right group of recipients.
Creating personalized birthday emails is easy, thanks to SAREscript. With just a few clicks, you can create a message that will make your customers feel special on their special day.