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Archiving of shipments

Shipment archiving is an automatic process that optimizes the performance of your SARE account. With archiving, you can keep your campaigns in order by hiding details of mailings older than 13 months. In this way, you focus on current campaigns while still having access to the basic results of archived campaigns.

General report of archived shipment

When you search for an archived shipment and go to its details, you will get a report that contains relevant information about the archived campaign. At the very top of the report, you’ll find an “Order Report” option (1), which allows you to order detailed dispatch data not available in the current report. This is ideal if you need more detailed information about an archived campaign.

At the bottom of the report, you will see a notice that the mailing has been archived (2). This is a reminder that a particular campaign is in the archive and is unavailable in full detail, but you still have access to its basic results.

The archived mailing report differs from a standard report in that it does not include detailed information on recipient addresses. Instead, it focuses on figures such as open rates, clicks, conversions and other measures of campaign performance. Note that this applies to all sections of the report, including return analysis.

Ordered archived shipping report

When you click the “Request Report” button under Reports > Requested Reports, you will be able to download detailed data for a specific archived shipment. This data will be available in CSV file format, which makes further analysis easier. The reports contain information on statistics, returns and devices used by recipients. With this data, you have the ability to better understand the effectiveness of your campaigns and make informed marketing decisions.

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