Reporting on mailing campaigns
Suppose you want to have full control over the effects of your emailing campaigns. We provide you with a tool that not only monitors, but also helps you understand, analyze and optimize your marketing efforts. Whether you’re new to email marketing or a seasoned professional, you’ll understand how our solution can help you achieve better results.
Types of campaigns and their reports
Our platform allows you to generate reports on any type of email campaign you run. Campaigns can be one-time, recurring, welcome, optimized and more. You can track the results of both standard email campaigns and follow-ups or transactional emails. Each type of campaign has its own characteristics, and our reports are flexible enough to adapt to your needs.
Personalized reporting period
Choose the period you are interested in: from one month to a whole year, or even any time period. Your data is presented in a way that is easy to understand, both visually (through charts) and analytically (in the form of tables).
Campaign management
We provide tools to group your mailings into what we call campaigns. This approach allows you to generate combined statistics for different dispatches, which is especially useful if they are related to the promotion of one product or one event in your company. To group dispatches into a single campaign, just select them and press the Merge Selected button. Of course, you also have the option to exclude dispatches from a campaign using the Ungroup Selected button.
Detailed shipping report
For each shipment, we generate a detailed report that includes information about:
- message type (HTML or TXT),
- newsletter name,
- sender’s email address,
- target group,
- subject line of the message,
- The number of e-mails sent,
- The number of returns and openings (both unique and all),
- the number of people who decided to unsubscribe after this dispatch,
- the number of clicks on links included in the message (both unique and all),
- The value of the generated transfer.
View and manage indicators
We provide the ability to configure the indicators displayed in your reports. You can decide which ones are most important to you and hide the ones you don’t need. All through the Preferences section -> Data Display.
Additional analyses and statements
In addition to the standard data, we offer a number of additional analyses and summaries to help you further understand the effects of your campaigns. You can, for example, analyze the tags of the mailings you have carried out, the mileage of mailings by percentage, the numbers of e-mails sent and returns, data transfer, opens and clicks day after day or hour after hour. All this is available directly below the report table for the selected period.
Export reports
If you want to take your data with you, we offer the possibility to export your reports to pdf or csv formats. Just press the appropriate button and your report is ready for download and further analysis.
In conclusion, our emailing campaign reporting tool offers you a comprehensive analysis of your marketing efforts. It provides you with all the information you need to make smarter decisions and improve your business performance. Is there anything more we could do to help you succeed? We’d like to hear about it You can use the SQL queries designed by SARE to perform more complex analysis. To use them, go here:
Details of follow-up and transactional shipment reports
Within our system, it is possible to access detailed information on follow-up and transactional mailings. These reports contain columns with names such as newsletter name, group, mailing settings, sent, returns, unique opens, unsubscribed, unique clicks, unique CTR%, transfer and details. These summaries are similar to those found in standard mailing reports.
As with standard mailings, reports include statistics such as tags, mailing run, mails sent and returns, data transfer, opens and clicks day by day, opens and clicks hour by hour. This data can be exported to .csv and .pdf files for easy analysis and use.
For transactional mailings, there is a tabular summary with columns such as campaign, sent, returns, unique opens, unsubscribed, unique clicks, unique CTR%, CTOR, details. These summaries give you a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of your transactional campaigns.
Insight into detailed reports for campaigns
Detailed reports for campaigns are presented analogously to reports on individual mailings, with a few additional elements. In the “General information” tab you will find such data as: campaign number, campaign name, date of first mailing, presented period – the period during which messages were sent within the selected campaign, average email size, total size, sent messages – the number of emails sent within the campaign (in all mailings).
The “Time Statistics” tab highlights in graphs such data as the mileage of mailings (in percentage terms) with openings, clicks, unsubscribes, emails sent and returns, and data transfer highlighted in color. The rest of the data is analogous to reports on individual mailings.
Detailed reports for individual shipments
Detailed reports include precise statistics on the selected mailing, divided into six tabs: general information, time statistics, return analysis, recipient information, recipient devices, message analysis.
Data from all these tabs can be exported to a pdf file, where you can also specify the range of data to be generated. Within such a report, the following tabs and data are available:
- General information: includes information such as shipment number, newsletter name, shipment date, email encoding, shipment groups, scheduled by, as well as detailed shipment information, numerical values and shipment rates.
- Temporal statistics: includes tabular and graphical summaries of openings and clicks hour by hour, openings and clicks day by day, and openings and clicks by days of the week.
- Returns analysis: includes information on recorded returns with reasons, as well as a pie chart showing the percentage distribution of reasons for returns.
- Recipient Information and Recipient Devices: contains detailed information such as domain statistics, IP address location statistics, device statistics, device categories, stat This information is available in the Reports section -> Research -> Spam Test. If you want to generate a PDF report from the “Detailed Report” tab, you need to click the “Generate Report” button at the bottom of the page. You will be redirected to a page where you can select the range of data to generate.
Follow-up and transactional shipment reports
Our tool offers the ability to get accurate information on follow-up and transactional mailings. For these reports, there are columns such as newsletter name, group, mailing settings, sent, returns, uniq opens, unsubscribed uniq clicks, CTR uniq%, transfer, details. Such statistics as tags, mailing mileage, sent emails and returns, data transfer, opens and clicks day by day, opens and clicks hour by hour are also available. All this data can be easily exported to .csv and .pdf files for easy analysis and comparison of results.
For transactional mailings, there is a tabular summary with columns such as campaign, sent, returns, uniq opens, unsubscribed, uniq clicks, CTR uniq%, CTOR, details. This makes it easy to track the effectiveness of individual campaigns and optimize marketing efforts.
Detailed report – campaigns
The detailed report for a campaign is presented similarly to the reports for individual shipments. However, there are a few elements that differ. General information includes campaign number, campaign name, date of first mailing, period presented, average mailing size, total size and number of mails sent within the campaign. Time-based statistics are also available, which further distinguish on graphs the mileage of mailings (by percentage), mails sent and returns, and data transfer.
Detailed report – shipping
The detailed report for a specific shipment contains six tabs with information: general information, time statistics, return analysis, recipient information, recipient devices, message analysis. All of this data can be exported to a pdf file, allowing precise analysis of the results. In each of these categories, you can manage email addresses and perform various operations, such as adding to a group, removing from a group, changing status, deleting and exporting.
There is also a “Click Map” feature in the detailed report, which shows which areas of the newsletter are most clicked on. This feature is extremely helpful in optimizing the content and layout of future emails. In addition, you can see which links are the most popular, and even tag the URL or SAREscript to better track user interactions.
The report also includes an analysis by characteristic, which allows you to verify statistics and addresses by the selected characteristic. By selecting a feature from the drop-down list, you can see a table and graph with the data. This is an invaluable tool for discovering which features are the most effective in attracting audience attention and generating clicks.
The next tabs, “Time Statistics,” “Returns Analysis,” “Recipient Information,” and “Recipient Devices,” offer additional detailed information that can help you understand how and when recipients interact with your messages, what devices and email programs they most often use Test mailing creative’s compatibility with HTML. Access to mailing links that are part of the mailing creative. Access to screenshots of the message on different email devices. Access to the original message in HTML and text format.
Within such a report, the following tabs are available and within them the indicated data:
- System information
- NR – Shipment number
- Newsletter name – the name given to the newsletter – the name of the file in the ready folder in the MAILING module
- Date of shipment – the date for which the shipment is scheduled
- Message type – information whether the sent message is an e-mail in HTML or TXT format
- Group – the group(s) to which the mailing was sent
2. shipping information
- Email sender – the sender of the shipment, which was set in step 1 of the shipment, and which will be displayed to users in the mailbox
- Sender email – the email of the sender of the shipment, which was set in the 1st step of the shipment, and which will be displayed to users in the mailbox
- Reply-To address – an email address to which you can reply after the shipment
- Subject-Thesubject of the message, which was set in the 1st step of sending, and which will be displayed to users in the mailbox
- Average email size
- Total size
- Filters used
- Embedding Graphics
3. numerical values
- Sent – the number of all emails that have been sent
- Returns and Returns % – the number of returns with a percentage indicator
- Uniq opens and uniq opens % – number of emails opened by unique recipients along with ORu percentage (ORu=unique opens/sent*100)
- Opens all and opens all %-the number of all email opens by users along with the OR percentage (OR=opens all/sent*100)
- Open via RSS – the number of times a message has been opened via an RSS feed integrated with SARE; data will be displayed if the RSS feed was previously enabled in Preferences
- Clicks uniq and clicks uniq % – the number of clicks on any link in a message by unique recipients along with the CTRu percentage (CTRu=unique clicks/sent*100)
- Clicks all and clicks all % – the number of all clicks on links included in the message by users along with the CTR percentage (CTR=clicks all/sent*100)
- CTR REACH uniq % – unique clicks/(sent – returns)*100
- CTOR % – unique clicks/unique opens *100
- Transfer – the value of the transfer generated during shipment
- Details – when clicked, detailed information about the campaign or single shipment carried out appears, organized in five tabs (described later). To access the details, click as in the image below:
When you click on the name of one of the above categories, a window is displayed with a list of e-mail addresses belonging to it and a manage addresses link. Clicking on the link allows you to perform operations on the addresses in the category. The following functions are available: add to group, remove from group, change status, delete and export. You can also download an xml or csv file with the addresses for which the selected event was recorded.
Another module of reports on this page is the Clicks Map – When you click on the icon of a newsletter with an index finger – the clicks map – the selected newsletter appears with information on the number of clicks on particular places throughout its area. Such information is displayed when the mouse cursor hovers over a linked object or text fragment. To present all clicked areas, check the “All clicks” checkbox.
The next part of the report is the most popular links along with the number of clicks. Table Most popular URLs informs the user about the most clicked links included in a given newsletter. You can also tag a URL or ScriptSpot by double-clicking on the appropriate row in the Tags column. An edit box will open, where you should enter the name of the tag, thus marking the link in question. For approval, click the “OK” button. In addition to the number of clicks, CTR and CTOR indicators showing the popularity of the links are presented. You can also manage the addresses that clicked on the link (clicking on the link expands the list) or download a csv/xml file with the data. In addition to popular links, the reports section also includes information on popular tags along with the number of clicks. The entire module with the most popular links and tags can be exported to a csv file
The last element of the report in the tab under discussion (General Information) is the analysis by feature. This option gives you the opportunity to verify some statistics and addresses in terms of a given characteristic. You need to select a given characteristic created in the system from the drop-down list, and then click on one of the following categories:
- Sent
- Returns
- Uniq openings
- Clicks uniq
- It signed off
When clicked, the tabular data and the graph on the right will appear.
A separate (second) tab of the reports is Time Statistics, where there are tabular and graphical summaries on:
- Openings and clicks hour after hour
- Openings and clicks day after day
- Abrasions and clicks by day of the week
The third tab is the analysis of returns. It contains information about recorded returns along with the reasons. The table contains information about the reason for the return along with a numerical and percentage indicator. When you click on a given reason, a window appears with the addresses that recorded that return, which can then be managed. There is also a pie chart next to it, which shows the percentage distribution of reasons for returns.
The fourth (Recipient Information) and fifth (Recipient Devices) tabs contain further detailed information such as:
- Domain statistics – for messages sent, opened, clicked, returned or unsubscribed (select from the list). In addition, it is possible to group general domains into more specific ones.
- IP address location statistics – broken down by country, region and locality
- Device statistics – for messages opened and clicked
- Device categories – for open and clicked messages
- Mail agent statistics – openings – information about mail agents and operating systems
- Browser statistics – clicks – information about browsers and operating systems
The obtained number of points of a given mailing creation in the spam test.
Detailed report – campaigns
The detailed report for a campaign is presented analogously to the reports of individual shipments. There are only a few elements that differ.
Tab one General information:
- Campaign number
- Campaign name
- Date of first shipment
- Presented period – the period during which messages were sent within the selected campaign
- Average email size
- Total size
- Sent messages – the number of emails sent within the campaign (in all mailings)
The rest analogous to single shipment reports
Tab two Time statistics – additionally highlighted here on the charts:
- Mileage of mailings (percentage) with color highlighting of opens, clicks, unsubscribes
- Emails and returns sent
- Data transfer