The SARE plugin is a tool that makes it easy to copy content from articles and insert them into newsletter templates. It works on the basis of popular OG tags used on websites. The plugin remembers the values of these tags and automatically fills in the appropriate places in the newsletter. Once the content is inserted into the newsletter, it can be freely modified using SARE Editors. The plugin is compatible with Firefox and Chrome browsers.
Plugin installation – add-on service
To install the plug-in, go to the browser add-ons service. For the Firefox browser, this service can be found at The direct link to the SARE OG Tag plug-in is:
If you use the Chrome browser, the add-ons service for this browser And the direct link to the plug-in is:
Managing content in the plugin’s memory
After installing the plug-in, a plug-in icon () will appear in your browser. By clicking on it, you will have access to options for copying content to memory and removing content from memory. After clicking the icon, the tool will show information about the types of tags downloaded and the URL.
To copy OG tags from the currently viewed page, select “Copy tags” (). If there are no OG tags on the page, the tool will not perform any action and the plugin’s memory will remain empty. The plugin will copy the pages described with tags to memory. For example, being on, the plug-in will copy the parameters and display them in the tool window.
In the tool window, you can also use the “Paste” () and “Delete” () buttons to paste or delete copied data. Adding another page will cause a new item to appear in the tool window, which can be managed in the same way. In addition, the “Delete All” () option allows you to clear the plug-in’s memory.
Newsletter preparation
The plug-in data copied into memory can be used in a previously prepared message. The message itself should be written in standard HTML code and the fields to be filled in should be prepared accordingly. Various elements can be inserted, such as title, type, URL, graphic, audio file, description, location, service name or video.
It is important to mark the elements to be filled with content, using the class “og-container” (designation in HTML: class=”og-container”). You can freely style and arrange these elements. The content copied from the pages should be pasted into the appropriate fields in the body of the message. For example, you can bold, italicize or change the font size in selected places. Graphics in the message can have a fixed width, so the layout of the message will not change.
Here’s a sample HTML code to insert content into your newsletter:
Title: og:title Description: og:description Prefix for ANG sites: og:determiner |
When copying tags, the most common ones used are those at the beginning of the list, such as og:title, og:type, og:url, og:image, og:description, og:locale, og:site_name.
It is a good idea to save the prepared message template and use it repeatedly.
Inserting content from plug-in memory
Once you have prepared your newsletter template using OG tags, you can proceed to fill it with content. To insert the copied content, place the cursor in the section marked with the class “og-container” and click the “Paste” button () in the browser plugin. Once clicked, the message fields will be replaced with content from the plug-in’s memory. The inserted content will be automatically completed in the HTML code of the message.
Remember that you can freely edit the content using both the message editor and the HTML code editor. Note, however, that this solution does not allow you to reinsert content in the same place. Once replaced, the code will be overwritten.
After pasting the content from memory, you can make additional edits to customize the look of the message.