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Facebook integration for greater effectiveness of your campaign

Integrate your SARE system with popular social media software such as Facebook for effective multi-channel communication with your customers. With Facebook integration, you can automatically publish subscription forms on your fanpage. In addition, you can post the newsletters you send on your profile, increasing the reach of your campaigns.

How to make an integration with Lead Ads campaigns? Here are the steps:

STEP I. Authorization of the application

  1. Log in to the SARE system and go to the plugins section.
  2. Select“Sign in via Facebook” and confirm the authorization.
    • If you are not logged into Facebook, a login form will be displayed.
    • If you are already logged in, you will see your account information and the option to change it.

STEP II. Campaign configuration

  1. After creating the Facebook integration, go to the campaign panel in SARE.
  2. Select the“Create a new campaign” option.
  3. Select the fanpage on which you want to launch a Lead Ads campaign.
  4. Select one of the available forms.

Note: If you don’t have any Lead Ads campaign on your fanpage yet, create one in your Facebook panel first.

  1. Configure the basic elements:
    • Name the campaign (will be used for identification in SARE).
    • Select the group of contacts in the SARE database to which the data will be saved.
    • Perform feature mapping, i.e., assign form data to the corresponding contact features in SARE.
    • When adding new features, use the“Add Field” button.
  2. After setting the mapping, save the settings. Data will start to be saved in SARE, provided you have an active Facebook campaign.
  3. To return to the list of integrations, use the navigation on the top bar. The new campaign will be visible in the list.

STEP III. Configuration in the Lead Ads panel

  1. Configuration on the Facebook side does not require additional steps for integration with SARE.
  2. Go to the appropriate settings section of Facebook and configure the form to be visible in SARE.

More information:

Problems during integration

Some problems can arise when integrating SARE with Facebook. One of them is when someone who is not an administrator of any fanpage tries to integrate it. In this case, you will receive a message informing you that you do not have administrator privileges.

Integrate your SAREsystem with Facebook today and enjoy greater effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

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