For anyone looking to optimize their email campaigns, recurring mailings can be a very useful tool. Here are the steps that will allow you to take full advantage of this feature, delivering messages to targeted groups at intervals of your choosing. Remember, it all starts with understanding your customer and delivering the value they are looking for.
Step 1: Prepare recurring emails
To begin with, we need to prepare the messages we want to send in the form of follow-up. To do this, we need to create a new guild in our system. First, we go to Addresses → base structure and create a guild called follow-up. Then we click on the add new feature button. It is important to remember that follow-up messages are executed based on the value of the trait assigned to the selected trait in the system.
Step 2: Select the type of shipping
From Mailing → sending, we select the mailing we want to send. Then we specify the type of mailing. In this case, we choose recurring mailing. We also fill in the email sender, sender email and title fields. In addition, we indicate the test e-mail address. Remember that specifying these elements precisely will allow you to better manage your e-mail campaign.
Step 3: Determine the filters
In the third step, we select the group to which the shipment is to be made. We also specify a simple filter and an advanced filter. The simple filter indicates for which value of the characteristic the NL is to be sent. If we are sending the first mailing, we choose follow-up=1, if the second one, follow-up=2.
To prepare a filter, we select the add new filter button. In the first column, we select the follow-up feature, and in the third column, we enter the value we want our message to be sent. Next, we create a SAREscript filter. We check the checkbox use advanced filter and then paste the code: set_val('Follow-up',get_val('Follow-up')+1);
It allows you to increase the trait by 1. It is important to remember that if we are sending the first mailing, we do not choose the simple filter!
Step 4: Planning shipments
When scheduling your next shipment, be sure to check both the simple and advanced filters. Then specify the timing of the dispatches to be made, such as daily at 12:00 p.m. Remember that proper scheduling of dispatches is the key to keeping your customers engaged.
By following the above guide, you will easily implement an email campaign using recurring mailings, which will contribute to the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.