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Promotional code campaigns – a tool for creating and using promotional codes

Promotional code campaigns

Promotional code campaigns is a tool that allows you to create various schemes using codes. With this tool, you can prepare promotional codes that have multiple uses.

To get started, you need to create a “campaign” that includes promotional codes. The codes can be imported into the system or generated by SARE. You can choose the type of characters and their length. Campaigns are unique, which means they are not repeated in the system.

Each campaign has a defined beginning and end. You can set when the codes will be issued (before this date no code can be assigned to an email address in the database) and when the codes can be checked (after this date the system checks the codes and marks them as used if the conditions are met).

Similarly, the end of the campaign is determined. The codes generated in the system can be divided and used in many ways, for example:

  • Assignment to selected email addresses in the database – using a dedicated SAREscript wizard
  • Assignment at the time of writing to the database – using a dedicated SAREscript function
  • Using the code in an email – as a QR code, EAN13 or a string of characters
  • Code verification – using an app with a QR reader
  • Code verification – using a dedicated SAREscript function that checks whether the code is correct

With these solutions, you can effectively use promotional code campaigns.

List of campaigns

Opportunities to use promotional code campaigns:

  • New campaign – after selecting this option you will be redirected to the campaign configurator with promotional codes
  • Limits – displays information on the number of campaigns that can be created and the limit on the use of codes in a single campaign
  • Discount code campaigns – a list of created campaigns is displayed, along with information on the campaign date, number of codes and their type. It is also possible to pause the campaign, download the generated codes, edit the campaign, delete the campaign and go to details and reports.

New campaign

In this section you define basic information about the campaign, such as the name and description, which makes it easy to identify the campaign. You can also activate the campaign so that promotional codes can be assigned and used.

You can also set a time range for issuing and checking codes. The campaign can have the same range for both activities, or you can set that checking codes will start later and may take longer than issuing.

In this section of the configurator you can also set campaign code limits, i.e. how many codes will be stored in the system and how many can be used in a campaign. You can set a smaller number of codes to use than the code limit, which will allow you to reward only a certain number of people (for example, the first 100 people).

In the section for discount codes, you can set the types of codes and characters from which they are to be built. It is possible to choose EAN13, QR or other codes. The codes can be generated or imported from a CSV file. You can also specify the length of the generated codes.

Campaign details

In this section you will find all the information about promotional code campaigns.

Campaign details include fields for the name, description, ID and time range of campaign activity. The details table shows the status of the campaign and numerical values for the generated codes and their usage.

In the code statistics section you will find charts that show information about the issuance and use of codes. The first chart shows the percentage of codes issued and remaining to be issued. The second graph shows the percentage of codes verified and remaining to be verified.

The “Day-by-Day Information” section presents, in graph and table form, information about the issuance and checking codes by day. You can hide and show charts by clicking on the headings.

In the “Code Campaign Details” table, you will find a list of all codes from a given campaign, along with information about the date of issue, date of use and the user who verified the promotional code. If the code was assigned to a specific person, the assigned email address will also be displayed.

By clicking on the “csv” icon, you can download a file with a list of all the codes and all the data presented in the table.

To return to the campaign list, click the “campaign list” button.

Writing the code to the feature

The codes generated by a promotional code campaign can be assigned to the recipient base using the SAREscript function. To facilitate this process, a generator is available in the SAREscript section. On the right side of the screen, you will find the scripts along with wizards to facilitate their use.

Selecting “Discount codes to feature” will launch a wizard for assigning promotional codes to specific email addresses. This wizard consists of two fields:

  • Campaign – a list of promotional code campaigns, previously created in the Advanced -> Promotional Codes section. From the list of codes, another value will be taken and assigned to the email address. The event will be noted both on the address card and in the promotional codes campaign report.
  • Feature – a list of features created in Addresses -> Base structure. The assigned code will be saved to this feature, which will enable its use for personalization of messages.

To run the script, it is necessary to indicate the source, for example, a selected group in the address database.

Adding a code to a message

A promotional code generated and assigned to an email address can be easily used to personalize messages. Here are some ways to use the code:

  • Insert as text code – you can insert the code as text using the personalization function. Just indicate the feature where the code is stored and insert it into the message. For more information on personalization, see the relevant materials.
  • Insert as EAN13 code – if the promo code is in EAN13 format, you can insert it into the message as a “barcode” image. To do this, use the dedicated SAREscript function available in the generator. When using the generator, you must select the feature in which the code is stored. For more information on inserting EAN13 codes, see the corresponding materials.
  • Insertion as QR code – The promotional code can also be inserted as a QR code. The system will convert the content of the code into a “code graphic” that can be read with QR scanners (both on mobile and desktop devices). Inserting a QR code is similar to the EAN13 code. You need to select the place where you want to insert the code, and then click the SARescript icon. The QR code wizard consists of several elements, such as a feature with code, custom code value (optional), code size, margin, code color and background color. This gives you the ability to customize the QR code according to your needs.

Examples of various QR codes:

  • Standard black and white QR in national colors
  • QR in green
  • Blue QR with a large margin
  • Yellow-blue QR with larger dimensions

Using the above methods, you can effectively incorporate promotional codes into your messages.

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