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Preparing the correct zip file for your newsletter

Have you ever wondered how to properly prepare a .zip file for your newsletter? No worries, we’ll help you do it in a simple and straightforward way so you can focus on creating the content rather than the technical details. Here are some simple steps you need to take to properly prepare your zip file for import:


Your imported .zip file should have a name consisting only of letters (no Polish characters), numbers or the ‘_’ character. Simplicity and clarity is the key to success.

Contents of the zip file

  • The file should contain the HTML version of the newsletter. For everything to work correctly, this file should be called “index.html” or “index.htm”. It really is case-sensitive, so pay attention to that!
  • It weighs in that the “index.html” file should not be in any directory. This provides easy access to the main file of your newsletter.
  • If your newsletter has a text version in addition to the HTML version, then the file containing this version should be called “index.txt.” This ensures that recipients who prefer simple text versions will also receive your message.
  • Any attached files to the HTML version of the newsletter (such as graphics) can be in a different folder. This helps keep your zip file organized.
  • Graphics used in the newsletter should only have the following extensions: jpg, jpeg, gif, png. Remember that file extensions should be lowercase. This ensures compatibility with all email platforms.

Examples of zip file structures

Below are two examples of a zip file structure for your newsletter. The choice between them depends on your personal organizational style:

  • Structure of the file(index.html and other files)
  • Structure of the file(index.html and directory with other files)

We hope these tips will help you properly prepare the .zip file for your newsletter. Remember, the overriding goal is to ensure that your newsletter reaches your audience in an optimal format, regardless of the platform on which they read their messages. Good luck!

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