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Inserting discount codes into mailing creations

In order for the codes that we have entered into our database to automatically display in our creative, you need to insert the appropriate ADDRESS FEATURE in the designated place. Below is an image that will show you how to do this:

After selecting the appropriate feature, the formula %kod_rabatowy_styczen2021%, which will personalize the code according to the e-mail address to which the message will be sent, will appear in the selected place.

Here is the appearance of the code in the creative (if we want all codes to display in one attribute):

Under the features %prop4% and %prop5% are “code 2” and “code 3” for the recipient, respectively.

Here is the appearance of the codes in the creation (if we want to use codes that are in separate features):

If the creative is not prepared using the SARE editor, the formula should be %kod_rabatowy_styczen2021% or %prop4% (depending on the name of the feature with discount codes) should be given to the person who will code the mailing, along with guidelines for the length of the code.

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