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Dynamic counter in the news – add dynamism to your business

Have you ever wondered how to effectively encourage customers to take advantage of your promotion or event? The dynamic counter we introduce is the key to success here. Add it to your emails and you’ll see how quickly your sales metrics will start to rise!

Dynamic counter: time for your customers

A dynamic counter is a tool that counts the time until the end of a promotion or event. It is used in promotional and sales mailings, increasing the recipient’s level of engagement. Your customers, seeing the passing time, will feel an irresistible desire to take advantage of the offer.

Add a counter from the editor

Adding a dynamic counter to your email is easier than ever. All you have to do is select the appropriate option in the editor you are using. Here’s how to do it in two of the most popular editors.

Standard editor

When you select the NUMBERS option, a settings window will open for you. Here you can enter the end date of the event, set the formatting of the text, and specify the content of the final message. All customized to your needs. Once you have entered the required information, click INSERT, and the counter in the form of a banner will appear in the body of your email. Simple, right?

D&D Editor

Would you like to use our counter, but you use the D&D editor? Nothing lost! The process is just as simple. Go to the CONTENT tab, which is located to the right of the creation. Then select the DYNAMIC COUNTER option and move it to the appropriate place in the creation.

To customize the counter to your liking, click on the modify icon and then select Dynamic Counter. A settings window will open for you, where you can customize everything to your liking.


A dynamic counter is an effective way to increase the engagement of your message recipients. Remember that time works in your favor. Use it wisely and your sales metrics will go up!

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