In the SARE System, we offer you the possibility to personalize your messages not only through text, but also by adding attachments. Thanks to our proprietary SAREscript language, attachments can be displayed to recipients in a customized way. We would like to draw your attention to dynamic attachments – here’s how to use their full potential.
Launching Dynamic Attachments in SARE
- In the editor, go to: SAREScript → dynamic attachments
Using the Dynamic Attachments feature
The dynamic attachments feature has several key aspects that allow you to fully customize it for your customers:
- Feature – we select the feature on the basis of which the selection is to take place (e.g. gender, company).
- Value – enter the value stored in the attribute (e.g. attribute: invoice; value: yes).
- Select a file from the folder – if you want to add an attachment from the server, contact your SARE consultant to get the sftp server details.
- Select a folder – the path to the files on the server. To upload the attachment to the server, contact your SARE consultant for sftp server details.
- Send a file whose name is in the attribute – select the attribute in which the file (attachment) name is stored, such as file, file_name. Remember that the file name should not exceed 260 characters.
- If the file name does not contain an extension, enter it below – here we enter the extension if it is not in the attribute, such as pdf, jpg (without the dot).
Example use of Dynamic Attachments
Below is an example of a function that retrieves a pdf file, placed in the folder in/folder_chapters:
- When the value of the trait ‘Invoice’ is ‘yes’, a file with a .pdf extension is added to the message (the file name is stored in the value of the trait ‘File name’). This allows us to send a different file for each user, whose name is pulled from the trait and whose extension is added by the script.
We believe this guide will help you get the most out of dynamic attachments by creating uniquely personalized messages for your customers. If you have questions or need additional help, please contact us and our team will be happy to assist you.