Welcome to the next part of our guide on the SARE system! Today we’ll share with you tips on how to personalize graphic messages by editing HTML code. You will learn how to create dynamic content and customize it according to the individual characteristics of your audience. This will make your messages even more attractive and effective.
1. how to use dynamic content in SARE?
Dynamic content is one of the most important tools available in the SARE system. They allow us to create personalized content that is tailored to the individual characteristics of the recipients. This allows us to tailor the message to the recipient in a very precise way.
An example of the use of dynamic content is the ability to generate an appropriate courtesy phrase dependent on the gender of the recipient, such as “Dear Sir” or “Dear Madam.” But that’s just the beginning – we can use these scripts to personalize graphical elements, such as graphics tailored to features from the address database.
2. creating dynamic graphics
To start working on dynamic graphics, we must first prepare the right images. Let’s assume that we want to customize our graphics according to the gender of the viewer. So we need to upload two images to the server – “male.png” and “female.png”.
Ready? Now we can proceed to create the script. We place the cursor in the place where we want the graphic to go, and insert “scriptspot” – this we can do by clicking the SAREscript icon in the editor.
When you click on the icon, a new window pops up, which is our tool for inserting a SAREscript into an email message. The SARE system allows you to both create scripts yourself and use the generator. To create dynamic content, just click on the script name.
The next window allows us to enter dynamic content and specify conditions for when it should appear. We need to specify the following fields:
- Feature – the element on which the content is to be dependent, such as gender.
- Value – a “trait” will be compared with this value, for example, the value of the trait gender, can be “K” (for women) or “M” (for men).
- Content – here we specify what content should appear when the conditions are met, such as displaying graphics for women.
Clicking on “OK” generates the script. The script prepared in this way will display the graphic “woman.png” when the “Plec” attribute contains the value “K”.
Then we prepare a script for men. The principle is the same, only a few details differ. Here is how the two scripts should look like (the differences are marked):
After applying both scripts, the system will automatically generate graphics according to the gender of the recipient. In this way, we can customize not only the text, but also the appearance of the message according to the recipient’s preferences, which will certainly contribute to the effectiveness of our actions.
3 Summary
Dynamic content is a powerful tool to create more personalized and effective messages. It is certainly worth using them to increase audience engagement and the effectiveness of our marketing efforts.
Remember that in SARE we can customize not only the text, but also the graphic elements. This way, our messages are even more attractive to the recipients, and we have a better chance of achieving our business goals.
Try using dynamic content in your marketing strategy and see what benefits it will bring to your business!