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Create and manage events in the SARE system

Benefits of adding events to dispatch

Adding the ability to create events to sent messages in the SARE System offers many benefits to our users. Here are some of the main advantages of this feature:

  • Making organization easier: With the ability to add an event invitation directly to a message, users can conveniently manage their schedules and appointments. Message recipients can easily create an event in their calendar based on the attachment, allowing them to have all the necessary information in one place.
  • Professional look: event invitation messages sent look like standard emails, but include an additional attachment that email programs integrated with the calendar can read. This adds professionalism and makes it easier for recipients to use the event information.
  • Easy creation of online events: if the organized event is online, users can provide a link to the event both in the event description (clickable link) and in the “Event venue” field (non-clickable link). This gives the audience a convenient way to directly access the event online.
  • Personalization and customization: the SARE system allows users to create and edit events at various stages of the creation and shipping process. Users can customize event fields, headers, GA (Google Analytics) tags and other elements to fit their needs.
  • Accurate reporting: All dispatches with added events have additional data in reports. Users can easily see which event invitations have been added to a mailing using detailed reports. This gives full control and insight into the effectiveness of the campaign.

Adding events to a mailing in the SARE System is a tool that makes organization easier, adds professionalism and personalization, and provides accurate reporting. This is a feature that is sure to contribute to the success of your campaigns and make it easier to manage deadlines and schedules.

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