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Adding attachments to messages in the SARE system

The SARE system is a comprehensive platform for effective communication with recipients. One of the many advanced tools it offers is the ability to add attachments to messages. This allows you to share relevant documents, presentations or images with your customers directly through an email message.

Requirements for attachments

The SARE system is designed to be as convenient as possible, but certain parameters are required to ensure security and performance. Here’s a list of requirements that the files you want to include must meet:

  • They must have one of the following extensions: pdf, jpg, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx or csv.
  • A single file must not weigh more than 1 MB. If you plan to attach more files, their combined weight should not exceed 10 MB.
  • The file name can consist of up to 32 characters.
  • It is recommended that the file name does not contain diacritical or special characters. If there is a space, we recommend replacing it with an underscore character (_).

Adding attachments to a message – step by step

Attaching files to a message is simple and intuitive. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Open the creation in one of the available editors:
  • standard
  • drag&drop
  • Then, follow the instructions displayed by the system.
  • The SARE system also includes the ability to use the dynamic attachments feature via SAREscript, giving you even more flexibility and customization.

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