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Flowchart – easy management of analyses and dispatches

Flowchart is a drag-and-drop based tool that allows convenient selection of addresses for analysis and mailings. Thanks to the possibility of selecting various filters, we can refer to declarative data and behavioral data resulting from the history of e-mail contact.

To start the Flowchart, go to the “Advanced” tab in the side menu of the SARE system and select “New Selection.” On the right is a panel of components from which you can “drag” individual blocks to create an address selection scheme.

Simple filters

Simple filters work similarly to standard filters in SARE. We can check conditions such as whether the email address ends in, whether the trait Gender = K, or whether the trait Age ≥ 28. All we need to do is select the appropriate trait and determine the relationship against the given value. We can also use other features or paste a value from another source.

Random filters allow us to select a specific number of addresses to be drawn from pre-selected groups. We can also specify the probability with which an e-mail address can be drawn, which is useful, for example, in contests that contain an element of randomness.

Group filters allow you to check whether the analyzed address is or is not in the indicated groups.

Shipping Filters

The send filters allow us to see if a specific message was sent for a given email address, if the address opened the message or clicked on links in the message. We can also specify a specific URL found in an email message or see if an address has recorded a message return.

Campaign filters

Campaign filters allow us to see if a given email address has opened or clicked on links in any message in a designated campaign. We can also see if a given address has recorded a message return in that campaign.

Limit filters

Flowchart has been enriched with new filters to better select the target for mailing.

The sent/scheduled limit allows you to exclude from analysis addresses that have received a certain number of e-mails. The filter can also check scheduled mailings. Predefined time ranges are available, as well as the option to specify a date range yourself.

The open limit allows you to select the addresses of people who have or have not opened a certain number of messages within a set period of time.

The click limit allows you to select the addresses of people who have clicked or not clicked a certain number of messages within a set period of time.

Returns limit allows you to manage addresses that note returns. The filter allows you to sift out the addresses of people to whom the message has not reached a certain number of times or at a set percentage level. The analysis is performed within a set time range.

Creation and analysis of diagrams

To create an address selection scheme, drag the group source block from the right-hand menu of components to the working field. Then go to the settings of this block and select which groups to include in the analysis. You can select multiple groups by using the CTRL button.

By combining the blocks of source, filters and execution block in the form of a counter, we create an analysis path. From the plus sign come out the results that meet the given criteria, while from the minus sign come out the results that do not meet the assumed criteria.

After attaching the executive block – the counter – we can calculate the created schema using the “Calculate” button. The calculation time depends on the size of the database and the complexity of the schema. After the calculation, the results will be displayed as numbers, indicating how many addresses met the criteria.

The created diagram can be saved and used in the future. Saved diagrams are available in the Advanced Menu → Flowchart → Selections.

The results generated by Flowchart can be managed by double-clicking on the counter block. We can add addresses to an existing group, create a new group, delete addresses that meet the criteria, or create a “Reservation” type mailing and finalize its scheduling from Mailing → Sending.

Sample Flowchart:

  • Select a source (group) – you can select one or several by holding down the CTRL key.
  • Select a condition, such as how many addresses end in “”
  • Connect to the executive component and click “Calculate.”

Feel free to use the Flowchart tool that will allow you to easily manage your analysis and shipments.

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