Our platform allows you to effectively manage your email address database. You can easily view, edit and manage all email addresses in our database. This gives you full access to all information related to your email addresses in one place.
Understanding the statuses of email addresses
Each e-mail address in our database is assigned one of the following statuses:
- Subscribed and confirmed: Indicates that the owner of a given email address has subscribed to the mailing list and confirmed his or her desire to receive newsletters.
- Address blocked: Indicates that the address has been blocked by the user. Attempting to auto-add again through our platform will be impossible unless the user unblocks the address.
- Subscribed, unconfirmed: Indicates that a request to confirm the desire to receive newsletters was sent to the e-mail address provided, but the recipient did not click on the confirmation link.
- Saved, no verification: Indicates that the address in the database has not been confirmed in any way and no request has been sent to its owner for confirmation.
- Willingness to unsubscribe (optional): This status is set automatically if the newsletter recipient expresses a desire to unsubscribe from the mailing list.
- Unsubscribed: This status is used to indicate the situation when the owner of the address requests to unsubscribe from receiving information by means other than automatic.
- Signed out manually: This status is in practice identical to “Unsubscribed”. It is only used to indicate the situation when the user has decided to unsubscribe the person. IMPORTANT: The SARE system will send newsletters only to e-mail addresses with a subscribed and confirmed status.
Driven by simplicity and immediacy, our tool offers the ability to view, manage and organize your entire email database. Below is a detailed description of the features that are available in our user interface.
E-mail Addresses Statuses
- Subscribed and Confirmed: The owner of a given email address has subscribed to the mailing list and confirmed that he or she wants to receive newsletters. This is the only status that allows newsletters to be sent to this address.
- Address Blocked: The e-mail address has been blocked by a program user. It will be impossible to be automatically added to the database again through our tool until the address is unlocked.
- Subscribed Unconfirmed: A request to confirm your newsletter subscription was sent to the email address you provided, but has not yet been confirmed.
- Recorded No Verification: The email address has not been confirmed in any way and no confirmation request has been sent.
- Willingness to Unsubscribe (optional): This status is automatically set if the newsletter recipient wishes to unsubscribe from the mailing list.
- Unsubscribed: This status is used to indicate when the recipient has chosen to opt out of receiving information by means other than automatic, such as by sending an e-mail requesting deletion.
- Unsubscribed Manually: This status is in practice identical to “Unsubscribed.” It is used to indicate a situation where the decision to unsubscribe was made by the user, for example, due to a large number of returns.
Important! Our tool sends newsletters only to email addresses with “Subscribed and Confirmed” status.
Removing an Address from the Base
To delete an address from the database, select it, choose “Delete” from the drop-down list and click the “Execute” button. A message will appear confirming this operation. Confirmation will irreversibly delete the selected addresses from the database.
Change of Status
Want to change the status of an email address? Select the address, choose “Change Status” from the drop-down list and click the “Execute” button. In the window that appears, select the appropriate option and confirm the action by clicking the “Change” button.
Adding an Address to a Group
If you want to add an address to a group, select it, choose “Add to Group” from the drop-down list and click the “Execute” button. Then select the group or groups to which the address should be added. If you want to select more than one group, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting.
Database Overview Table Columns Description
In our tool, we have various columns available for convenient viewing and management of email addresses. These are:
- Email Address: Displays the email address of the subscriber.
- Status: Displays the current status of the email address.
- Save Date: Displays the date when the email address was added to the database.
- Verification Date: Displays the date when the email address was confirmed by the subscriber.
- Groups: Displays the groups to which the email address belongs.
Base Search
To search the database, enter the search word or phrase in the “Search” field and press Enter. You can also click on a column to sort email addresses by it. Our tool also allows you to filter the list of email addresses by group or status. To do so, use the “Filter by” drop-down menu.
Edit Email Address
To edit an email address, right-click on it and select “Edit.” You will be taken to the edit page, where you can change the email address, status or assigned groups.
Export and Import Bases
Our tool offers the possibility to export and import the database. To do this, go to the “Export/Import” menu and follow the instructions. Remember that the file format for import is CSV, and the exported database is also in this format.
If you encounter any problems or have questions, please contact us. Our specialists are ready to help you at any time.