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Database validation in a mailing system

We would like to offer you a solution that will increase the value of your subscriber base – the database validation function in the SARE system. Thanks to this tool, you will be able to verify the quality of the addresses you have in terms of quality, lexical and structural aspects of each subscriber. This is an additionally paid feature, but its benefits will surely bring you profits in the long run. To activate it, contact your dedicated consultant or write to

We provide you with simple instructions to help you use this feature optimally.

Step 1: Create a new group

First, create a completely new group. This is where the addresses will go after the validation process. You can learn how to create a group here.

Step 2: Move to the Addresses section

In the SARE system, after logging in, go to Addresses → browse all if you want to validate the entire database, or browse groups and select the group you are interested in.

Step 3: Address validation

Select the select all in the entire database” option and the “Validate addresses” option .

Step 4: Selection of the quality threshold

We select the quality threshold and the group we created above. We confirm the selection by clicking on “Yes”.

Here is an explanation of the thresholds:

  • Addresses rated 0-30 points → are addresses that we suggest blocking in the database. This group includes spamtraps, records on temporary domains, records from robinson’s list, addresses on non-existent domains, etc.
  • Addresses rated 30-60 points → addresses to which we suggest performing dispatches, although some of them may record hard returns (including those with the title unknown user) and may be inactive. This group includes records rated by the system as probably existing.
  • Addresses rated 60-100 points → are attractive, active e-mail addresses. This group includes records for which there was information in the system about activity within the last 3 months.

Step 5: Waiting for validation to complete

Now you have to wait for notification of completed validation. The process time depends on the volume. For example, for 100,000 addresses, validation will take about 30 minutes.

Step 6: Change the status of addresses

When you receive the validation completion message, change the status of these addresses in the created group to “Blocked”. You can learn how to do this here.

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