Use the search engine to find email addresses that meet certain criteria. You can search by various parameters, such as email, status, group, name, comment and email type. The criteria can be equal (=) or different (!=) from the phrase you entered.
Other criteria that may be available (depending on user preference and data structure) are: greater (>), equal or greater (>=), less (<), equal or less (<=). After selecting the appropriate criterion and entering the value, click the “search” button.
You can simultaneously select several criteria to optimize your search results. If you want to substitute any string, use the “*” character. For example, if you want to find all email addresses in the domain, type “=” as the criterion and “*” as the search string.
An additional feature of this search engine is the ability to search for email addresses that were not reached by the newsletter you sent. This could be due to an invalid or non-existent address. You can also set whether you want to find such cases only once, or in a certain percentage of return occurrences.