Preferences is the section where you can specify general system settings. Here are some of the available options:
Email sender
Here you can enter your data, which will be automatically displayed as the sender of the mailing. You can also change them before sending.
Sender’s e-mail
Enter an email address, which will be visible when preparing the shipment in the sending menu. You can also edit it before sending.
E-mail for confirmation of scheduled shipment
If you schedule a shipment, a notification will be sent to this address when the shipment is scheduled, started and completed. You may also receive other important information. Enter the email address associated with your SARE account.
Email ‘Reply-To’
Provide an email address for recipients to respond to if necessary.
Time for autosave in the editor (sec)
You can set the newsletter autosave time. After this time, you will be asked if you want to temporarily save your newsletter. You can disable the autosave function by entering “0” in this field.
Data download key
Enter the password required to submit and handle the data submitted from the form on the website. The key is unique to your SARE account and cannot be changed independently.
URL Branding
Here enter the domain address that will be used for mailings.
Check address status when shipping
Activate this option to check the status of an email address before sending. The system will send the message only to confirmed and active addresses.
Default encoding of exported files
You can set the default encoding for exported files from your account. Available options are UTF-8, WINDOWS-1250, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-1, depending on the language and characters you want to support.
Use Robinson’s list to check email addresses
Activate this option to have the system check whether email addresses are on Robinson’s list. This list contains addresses that have not consented to receive emails.
To save the entered data, click the Save button. You can also change the logo by entering a new one and approving the changes with the Save button. In addition, if you want to change the password for accessing the program, enter the appropriate old and new passwords and confirm the changes with the Change Password button. The last tab allows you to change local settings, such as language, time zone and date format. After making changes, confirm them with the Save button.
Data display
In this section you can specify how the email address data will be displayed in the overview of all records. Use a table with three columns:
- The first column – contains all email address data, along with the characteristics specified in the database structure section.
- The second column – allows you to decide which features you want to see in the overview of all. Check the appropriate boxes to display the features.
- The third column – determines how many characters should be displayed for each feature. You can abbreviate the names to maintain readability.
In this section, you can also set the number of addresses displayed on one page and decide whether subscribers can see certain features in the profile edit for each module, such as data edit, group edit and email type. This will allow subscribers to access relevant information and make profile editing easier.
To complete the data display settings, click Save.
In this section you can enable the RSS feed and customize the settings related to this tool. RSS is a method of distributing information using XML format, which users read in special programs – RSS readers.
To turn on the channel, follow these steps:
- Check the option Enable RSS feed.
- Enter the name of the RSS feed to be displayed on the website or in the reader.
- Enter a description of the RSS feed, which will be visible on the website when you access the feed.
- Enter the address of the website where the RSS feed will be placed.
When you are done, click the Save button. After saving, the automatically generated data will appear:
- RSS feed address – put this address in the code of the website to link the RSS feed name.
- Page header tag – insert this code into the header of the web page so that the RSS icon appears in the browser to indicate the availability of the RSS feed.
NOTE: If you want to disable the feed, uncheck the option Enable RSS feed. Activate selected newsletters in the RSS feed in the reports/archive section.
Database structure
The form for adding an address to the database and importing addresses contains standard fields:
- E-mail address
- Name
- Comment
- Email type
- Status
- Group membership (see ADDRESSES)
In addition, you can add additional fields, called traits, that describe the owner of the email address. You can specify up to 9 different characteristics. Use a table with three columns:
- The first column – select the number of features to be determined.
- The second column – select which features are to be used.
- The third column – enter the names of the features.
To finish, click the Save button. You can also create advanced features that are user-defined. You can set the type of feature, such as text, numeric or list. After adding advanced features, you can edit or delete them.