This section allows you to view all email addresses in the SARE database. You can view the addresses and related data in a table, according to the criteria specified in the preferences(PREFERENCES). Above the table you will find information about the total number of addresses in the database and the number of addresses displayed on the page. You can also find information about new addresses added to the system in the current month, the limit of the address database and the number of available groups.
Removing an address from the database
To delete an address from the database, check the checkbox next to the address in the first column of the table. Then select delete from the drop-down list and click the execute button. A message will appear “Are you sure you want to delete the selected emails? The operation will be irreversible!”. If you want to continue, click OK and the selected addresses will be permanently deleted from the database.
Adding an address to a group
To add an address to a group, go to Addresses->browse all. Check the checkbox next to the address you want to add, in the first column of the table. Then select add to group from the drop-down list and click the execute button. In the new window, select one or more groups to which you want to add the address (check the appropriate checkboxes). Confirm your selection by clicking the select button. If you want to select all addresses, you can use the “select/unselect all in the WHOLE database” or “select all according to the current filter” function. You can also select addresses on the page using the checkbox at the top of the table and use the “custom selection” option. The selected addresses will be added to the selected group. You can see information about an address’s group membership by hovering over the icon showing the number of groups to which the address belongs.
Removing an address from a group
To remove an address from the group, go to Addresses->view all. Check the checkbox next to the address you want to remove in the first column of the table. Then select remove from group from the drop-down list and click the execute button. In the new window, select one or more groups from which you want to remove the address (check the appropriate checkboxes). Confirm your selection by clicking the select button.
Change of status
To change the status of an address, go to Addresses->view all. Check the checkbox next to the address whose status you want to change in the first column of the table. Then select the change status option from the drop-down list and click the execute button. In the new window, select the appropriate status option. Confirm your selection by clicking the change button.
Types of statuses
There are different types of statuses that can be assigned to an e-mail address:
- subscribed and confirmed – means that the owner of the address subscribes to the mailing list and confirms his desire to receive newsletters. Only addresses with this status receive regular newsletters.
- address blocked – means that the address has been blocked by the program user. SARE will not automatically add this address to the database again (unless it is unlocked by the user).
- unsubscribed unconfirmed – means that a request to confirm the desire to receive newsletters was sent to the e-mail address provided, but the recipient did not click on the confirmation link.
- No verification – means that the address has not been confirmed and a request for confirmation has not been sent. It is possible to send an administrative email requesting confirmation of the desire to unsubscribe (optional).
- unsubscribed – means that the owner of the address has requested to opt out of receiving information by means other than automatic.
- unsubscribed manually – the same as “unsubscribed”. It means that the user manually decided to unsubscribe the address.
- Forgotten RODO – refers to individuals who have notified the data controller that they wish to delete their data. This change is irreversible and results in the encryption of personal data.
NOTE: The system sends newsletters only to addresses with “subscribed and confirmed” status.
Contact history
When you click on an email address, you can see the tabs related to the contact’s history. The available tabs are:
- Email contact history – information about standard mailings addressed to the recipient, such as verification mailings, one-time mailings, recurring mailings, welcome mailings, optimization mailings and hourly mailings.
- History of transactional mail ings – information about transactional emails addressed to the recipient.
- Email contact history for follow-up mailings – information about follow-up mailings addressed to the recipient.
- SMS contact history – information about SMS messages sent to the recipient.
- History of received sms – information about SMS messages sent to the system (SMS return channel).
- Email contact history: SAREweb – information about visits to the monitored site from clicking on a link in an e-mail.
- Contact history for tracked domains: SAREweb – information about visits to monitored sites, with details.
- History of changes – information about changes to personal data registered within the register of changes (RODO).
Edit address
To edit an e-mail address, click on the corresponding address. The address details window will appear, containing all the information about the address. Before editing, click the Edit button. On this page, you can change:
- E-mail address
- Address status
- Email type (text or HTML + text)
- Groups to which the address belongs
- The name of the address
- Comment
- Note
- Other features
After making changes, click update. To return to the previous part of the catalog, click the back button.
Statistics from addresses
The “view all” section also contains additional statistics and information about the base. You can check:
- How many new addresses were added in a given month
- How many addresses were written out in a given month
- Ratio of new addresses to unsubscribed ones
- The current number of addresses in the database
- Limit of addresses in the database
- Use of group limit
With this information, you can track the development of the address base and control its parameters.