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Shoper integration with SARE – simple synchronization of customer and subscriber base

Shoper – Integration with SARE

This solution allows you to easily synchronize the database of customers and subscribers of your store on the Shoper platform with the SARE system. With this integration, once configured once, your contacts will be stored in SARE and automatically updated on a regular basis.

Solution possibilities:

  • Automatic synchronization on first startup
  • Automatic export of new customers and subscribers
  • Automatically update your contact information after making changes to your Shoper account
  • Free mapping of contact characteristics/properties to the appropriate fields in SARE
  • Handling the unsubscribe/unsubscribe process – both in Shoper and SARE

This integration gives you full control over the management of customer and subscriber data, which makes it easier for you to conduct marketing activities effectively.

Installation Instructions:

  1. In the Shoper admin panel, go to Add-ons and integrations > Applications.
  2. Find the SAREsystem application in the list and click Install.
  3. After reading the description and accepting the Appstore terms and conditions, click Install.
  4. Once the app is installed, it will appear under Add-ons and integrations > My apps. Click on the app configuration button.

Application configuration:

Depending on whether you are a new user or already have a SARE account, there are 2 buttons:

  • INTEGRATION CONFIGURATION – for those who have an account with SAREsystem
  • I AM A NEW CUSTOMER – REGISTER – when you want to start your adventure with SAREsystem

If you don’t already have an account with SARE, select the button that says I AM A NEW CUSTOMER – REGISTER. The system will redirect you to the registration form.

If you already have an account with SARE, click CONFIGURATE INTEGRATION.

The following information will need to be provided to complete the integration:

  • UID – your SARE account ID
  • API Key – the “new REST API” key, available in the SARE system under Advanced > API > REST API

IMPORTANT: You need to generate a new key for the “new REST API” (button at the bottom of the page “ADD API KEY”).


Once the integration is done, you will be able to trigger data synchronization. The synchronization will allow you to add addresses to the merged group in SAREsystem along with the current feature values. If the address was not previously in the system, the status (confirmed/unconfirmed) will match the status on the platform side. If the address already exists in the system, the status will remain unchanged, and the features and group will be completed.

As part of the configuration, you can determine:

  • Independent mapping of customer and subscriber data – by selecting the appropriate item in the left menu, you can set the configuration for a particular contact type.
  • The group to which addresses will be imported – you should prepare in advance in SARE the group to which addresses with a transaction initiated should go.
  • Feature mapping – indicate to which feature in SARE to write the corresponding data from Shoper. This can be done by indicating the corresponding fields in one line (for example, to the “name” feature in SARE we can save the first name from Shoper). After the mapping is done, select “save” at the bottom of the page.

In the Advanced section, you have the option to “force” full synchronization of the contact database.


In order to configure it correctly, you must first define the group to which the addresses of customers and the addresses of users who have started a transaction in the store will be deferred.

Customer mapping: allows you to assign the characteristics of the created customer profile on the store platform side to the SARE system. You need to assign the corresponding feature on the SARE system side to the feature created on the Shoper side.

Subscriber mapping: allows you to assign the characteristics acquired when signing up for a newsletter subscription on the store platform side to the SARE system.

By integrating Shoper with SARE, you will be able to manage your customers’ and subscribers’ contact information even better, which will contribute to more effective marketing efforts.

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