Our tool, SAREscript, allows you to more effectively execute subsequent email campaigns by analyzing the results of previous mailings. This gives you the ability to carry out the next marketing action taking into account the recipients’ reactions to previous messages – whether they opened the email, clicked on the link, etc. With this approach, your campaigns become more precise and effective.
Step 1: Planning the shipment
When planning a campaign, you use SAREscript in the third step of the process. Click “Add new filter.” A window with available functions will appear. Here you select “Shipment results” or “Campaign results.” This gives you control over which results of previous campaigns will be taken into account for the next campaign.
Step 2: Configure parameters
In a new window, you decide what factors you want to make the next mailing dependent on – whether it’s analyzing previously sent messages, checking which ones were opened, which links recipients clicked on, or taking into account returns received. You can decide whether you want the next mailing to depend on the results of an already sent email message – you indicate whether the message was delivered to the recipient or not, and indicate which message the script should refer to.
You can combine scripts with each other, specifying whether each condition must be met, or whether any condition will suffice. After entering all the information, click “OK”. The script will be automatically inserted in the frame, click “Insert.” To make sure everything works correctly, click “Test script”. Remember, however, that you must first select the group for which the mailing will be performed.
Leveraging the results of previous mailings/campaigns with SAREscript will allow you to more precisely tailor future actions to your audience’s expectations. By doing so, you’ll not only increase the effectiveness of your campaigns, but you’ll also build stronger relationships with your customers by providing them with the content they find most appealing.