Enhance your company’s analytics capabilities by using Google Analytics (GA) tags along with SARE tools. These functionalities give you the ability to more accurately track the results of your campaigns directly from your Google Analytics dashboard.
What are Google Analytics tags?
GA tags, also known as UTMs, are small snippets of code that you can add to the URLs used in your marketing creations. You can enter them manually, or use SARE’s automated system, which will save you a lot of time and effort.
What are the benefits of link tagging?
The link tagging process in SARE is done at the message sending stage, so you don’t have to worry about adding tags to every URL used in the creative. This means that you have the ability to configure the appropriate tagging and measure the effectiveness of the campaign in one place. Tags are added to the following elements:
- Campaign source → utm_source
- Campaign medium → utm_medium
- Campaign name → utm_campaign
It is worth remembering that the tagged link becomes visible only after it is clicked in the completed shipment. In the receiving program, the link is encoded, and after clicking and going to the destination URL, it may look like this:
Example of a tagged link
(put a sample link here)
How to assign GA tags at the creation record level?
Using SARE, you have the option to set GA tags at the creation and saving stage of the creative. After selecting the “save” option, the system displays a form with typical fields, such as name and description. In addition, optional fields appear, which, when filled in, are used as default values when scheduling a mailing. These include header elements and the GA tags tab, where all the previously mentioned tag types are available.
How to edit GA tags in a saved creative?
Each creative saved in the system can be edited, and thus also the GA tags assigned to it. This means that if your message is saved in “working” or “ready”, but has not yet been sent, you have the opportunity to make changes. To do this, you need to select the appropriate icon:
(insert icon here)
When clicked, a form with saved data appears. The “GA tags” tab contains previously assigned values. When you select “save”, all changes will be made.
How to use GA tags at the shipping stage?
The “GA tags” field is used during the shipping process. This function is available at the 3rd step of sending. If tags are assigned to the creative you are using, this function activates automatically. In any case, you can edit this field before sending, regardless of whether it has been filled automatically or is empty.
How to check which GA tags have been used?
Shipments that use the GA tagging function include additional data in the reports. Thus, you can easily see what GA tagging values have been added to the shipment. This information is available in the detailed shipment report. To find it, go to the left menu → reports → campaigns → details, then look for the “Shipment information” section and the “GA tags” field.
Finally, we’d like to remind you that effective link tagging is a great way to track the results of your campaigns. Take advantage of SARE’s tools to maximize the potential of your marketing efforts!