We often forget that using email marketing tools is not only about creating and sending newsletters, but also about managing them at every stage of their life. That’s what this article will be about – we’ll look at the ‘Mailing’ function available in the SARE system, discussing its features and benefits.
Components of the ‘Mailing’ function
- Latest Newsletter: the document that is currently being edited. It is worth noting that opening another newsletter for editing will overwrite the previous version with the currently edited one. Therefore, it is important to save your work regularly.
- Saved Newsletters: all messages that have been saved in the system. It is important that each user has their own “recent newsletters,” while saved newsletters are available to everyone.
Interactions with newsletters
The ‘Mailing’ function allows you to perform various activities with newsletters. The detailed capabilities are:
- Newsletter preview: When you click on the name of the newsletter, it will open in the form most likely to be seen by the recipient.
- Edit newsletter: To make changes to your newsletter, simply click on the ‘edit’ button.
- Edit newsletter name/description: Want to change the name or description, click on the ‘edit name’ button.
- Deleting the newsletter: If you want to delete the newsletter, click on the ‘delete’ command.
- Moving the newsletter to ‘ready’: When the newsletter is ready to be sent, just click on the ‘move to ready’ button. A system notification will appear asking if you are sure you want to freeze this newsletter. Click ‘OK’ and your message will be moved to the ‘Mailing → ready’ section.
- Creating a subscription message: By clicking ‘create subscription message’, the system will automatically take you to the ‘Subscription Messages’ section, where you will find a new message. This tool allows you to move a previously created mailing to the ‘Preferences → Subscription Messages’ section.
Whether you’re new to SARE or an experienced marketer, we hope this guide will help you manage your newsletters effectively and get the most out of the ‘Mailing’ tool.